Duration 9:30

Extends life by an additional ten years without diseases such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes

82 watched
Published 19 Mar 2021

An American study found that a woman can enjoy an additional ten years of life without cancer, heart disease, or type 2 diabetes, and a man can enjoy an additional seven years of that kind of healthy life. The study, published by the British Medical Journal, said that to obtain these results, it is necessary to exercise regular fitness, not to excessive drinking, maintain a healthy weight, healthy diets and quit smoking. The study authors followed 111,000 people for more than 20 years. Five countries where people live the longest Why do women live longer than men? Lead researcher Frank Hu, from Harvard University, said the study sends "a positive message to the public that they will not only live extra years, but also lead a better life by following a healthy lifestyle." What is a healthy lifestyle? At the age of 50, the cases included in the study were required to meet at least four out of five criteria: no smoking at all; A healthy, balanced diet. Getting 30 minutes of moderate or vigorous activity daily; Keep a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9; And not to drink excessive alcohol, so that it does not exceed a small glass of wine a day for women and a glass of beer for men. The study found that women who adhered to these criteria enjoyed, compared to others, more than ten additional years without cancer, cardiovascular disease, or type 2 diabetes. And for men, those who met the standards had more than seven additional years free of these diseases compared to the others. Why this difference between women and men? It may be due to the fact that women live longer than men. The study revealed that men and women who smoked more than 15 cigarettes a day, and obese men who had a BMI of more than 30, had a lower share of a disease-free life. Among the results that apply to both sexes is that adopting a healthy lifestyle not only reduces the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, but also improves the ability of men and women to resist in the event of any of these diseases. Why focus on these diseases? Cancer, blood vessel problems and type 2 diabetes are the three most common diseases in advanced age, and they are closely related to the lifestyle followed. Obesity or obesity, for example, is believed to be linked to 13 different types of cancer, including breast, intestinal, kidney, liver and esophagus cancers. According United Kingdom, four out of ten cases of the disease can be avoided by changing the lifestyle followed, such as reducing the amount of processed meat, increasing the amount of fiber and protecting the skin when exposed to the sun. Could other factors play a role? This study was broad and observational, so it was not necessary to ignore those factors related to lifestyle that are directly responsible for adding years of disease-free life. The study referred to other factors, such as family history, ethnic background and age, all of which could affect the results of the study. Why do women live longer than men? Around the world, women have a life expectancy higher than that of men. The average life expectancy at birth for the world's population was 72 years in 2016, according to the World Health Organization. But when this average is broken down by gender, the women got 74 years and two months, while the men got 69 years and eight months. According to the 2010 census in the United States, 53,364 people have crossed the 100-year mark. Of these, only 9,162 were men, compared to 44,202 women. Why, then, is the average age of women more than men? What gives them that superiority? Let's look at three reasons : 1. Genes The death index currently includes information on 40 countries, including Sweden and France, since 1751 and 1816. But information on countries such as Japan and Russia has only been available since the mid-twentieth century. The database showed that every year in all countries, the average life expectancy of women exceeded men. And it seems that men are targeted from the start because of their genetic makeup. The embryos "Male fetuses die at a higher rate than female fetuses," says Professor David James, from Royal College London. One possible cause could be the role played by the sex-determining chromosomes. 2. Hormones In adolescence, boys and girls move into adulthood due to hormonal changes. 3. Occupation and behavior In conflict-affected settings, the average life span of males is shortening. #additional-ten-years-without-diseases #live-without-diseases #extends-life


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