Duration 23:37

Picking 33 lb of Red Currant and Making Currant Jelly and Pie with Grandma

3 693 323 watched
74.9 K
Published 20 Jun 2021

Yesterday, we picked some beautiful currants - those bright red, white, and black juicy, tart fruits. I’ve been growing currants for many years. I love using them to make jams and jellies, tarts and pies. They're also very easy to freeze and store for later use. In addition, currants are among the most nutritious of berries. They’re packed with minerals, and loads of vitamin-C. Currants are multi-stemmed, hardy, fast growing deciduous shrubs that are easy to grow and easy to maintain. Today we would like to share with you Picking 33 lb of Red Currant and Making Currant Jelly and Pie with Grandma video, we really hope you enjoy this video and share with your friends. As a Country Life Vlog, we love to share what we do at countryside, engage with nature and make the most out of village life. Come and see the colorful videos of nature, unique cooking recipes and just the beautiful life at a countryside. Sit back and relax by watching our content! Subscribe 🔔 /channel/UCIix6MklfJFywa_36iDj8Sw


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