Duration 4:00

Ted Cruz Rants About Breast Milk On Twitter During Impeachment Trial

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Published 13 Feb 2021

Republican Senator Ted Cruz is clearly not taking the impeachment trial - for which he is a juror - seriously, as he spent part of his time during this past week's trial tweeting about breast milk. The Senator is apparently angry that a hospital allegedly stopped using the term. Farron Cousins discusses this incredibly bizarre moment. Link - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ted-cruz-breast-milk-impeachment-b1800885.html Don't forget to like, comment, and share! And subscribe to stay connected! Connect with Farron on Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalanced *This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos. So the impeachment trial that was taking place in the Senate this week, um, Democrats did a great job. Donald Trump's lawyers were hilariously incompetent. Uh, but the real story was the fact that most Republicans in that chamber, or at least some, I don't know if it was most, but at least some just didn't give a crap About what was happening. You know, Republican Senator, Rick Scott, stunning, a map of Southeast Asia, for some reason, ran Paul doodling, a picture of the Capitol, Josh Holly, chilling with his feet up just, yep. I don't care. And then of course, there's Ted Cruz, who, in addition to, by the way, having a strategy meeting with Trump's lawyers during the week. So that should automatically disqualify him from even being a juror. But he was also On Twitter at one point, Mad about breast milk. I wish I was making this up, right? I wish Ted Cruz, wasn't such a weird, sick little character and that he didn't have to talk to him, but this story definitely needs to be discussed. And here's what happened. Ted Cruz quote, tweeted a tweet from the Washington examiner. Here's the tweet from the Washington examiner. Why a right-wing rag said in an effort to be trans friendly, a hospital is advising nurses to no longer use words, such as breastfeeding and breast milk, human milk and chest milk are the more acceptable terms for midwives to use. And then it links to their stupid story. Now it did not say that these words were banned. It just said, Hey, uh, there's being told allegedly to use these words instead. And again, this is Washington examiner, not exactly, you know, the, the beacon of honesty. So take the story with a grain of salt, but Ted Cruz always looking for a way to enrage his base and shift attention away to an idiotic issue, retweeted it saying the following. He said, Orwellian, the words breastmilk are now forbidden because Science dude, I know everybody. And he likes to throw around the term or Welly. And, but, uh, Ted, I gotta tell ya, that's that's not What it is. No, no, that's not what it is at all. Not even, not, not even a little bit. And you're the one who actually earlier in the week was scolding reporters because they hadn't properly read Shakespeare, but you're the one who hasn't properly read Orwell. And Orwell's a hell of a lot easier to read than Shakespeare is What he's doing Aside from being truly creepy for a guy that has, you know, retweeted a porn images in the past, um, is Ted Cruz. Again is just trying to divert attention. You know, look away from this impeachment trial and all the damning video evidence coming out. And look, we can't even say breast milk anymore. How are we going to function as human beings? Why does it, why does it even matter to you? Why does it matter? Anybody other than the people who are out there breastfeed, Right? If you are not currently breastfeeding, who cares? I Ted Cruz You're, you're a dude living in Texas. So why should you care? What a hospital, somewhere else in the country is telling people they should do or should say it doesn't affect you at all. But what you're trying to do is reignite more culture, war, crap, to get your low information base all drummed up and mad about something else. That's what Republicans do when they have nothing of substance to talk about. They go back to this culture, war crap, cause their base eats it up. They think their way of life is under attack because, Oh gee, we have, I have to treat people as equals and to people like Ted Cruz, that is just disgusting. No room for that here in his United States. No. So even though he was supposed to be paying attention to the impeachment trial that he has to vote on. Instead Ted Cruz, his mind was squarely on that breast milk.


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