Duration 5:26

So You Think You Can Dance - 舞林争霸 - World Belly Dance Champion, Jamila - Choreography by Jamila

662 watched
Published 14 Oct 2021

🌟Flashback - A historical moment for Jamila: her landmark performance on stage as China’s first bellydance artist to bring Oriental Dancing to its mainstream television channels in “So You Think You Can Dance” (Dance choreography by Jamila). 🌟Jamila’s performance spearheaded an exciting new chapter in China’s entertainment industry: Oriental Dancing. Presenting bellydance as a form of Art on TV, she elevated its status and convinced traditional-thinking Chinese viewers to accept and recognize this beautiful style of dancing. 🌟Following her debut TV performance, Oriental Dancing became a regular feature on many TV entertainment channels in China, especially the annual Chinese New Year Gala TV show - seen by billions of families on Chinese New Year’s eve. Demand for bellydancing performances spiked across the country, continuing to this day. 🌟As the world recovers from the pandemic, let’s not loose sight of our passion for dancing. Put in effort on the things you like to do because it’s never too late to start. And don’t listen to the naysayers - you will be amazed by what you can achieve. ----- 🌟Jamila 海青,出生于艺术世家,8岁学习钢琴。2013年,在肚皮舞发源地伊斯坦布尔荣获世界肚皮舞大赛双料冠军(Traditional Oriental Category Champion & Fusion Category Champion)。 🌟她是新加坡非凡舞蹈学院与世界肚皮舞节的创办人。致力于推广东方舞艺术,让更多的人通过舞蹈跳出美丽与健康,从而有一个更加精彩的人生。 🌟自2005年以来,Jamila 先后前往埃及,土耳其等多个肚皮舞发源地进修,拜访国际知名大师,师承多方,汲取众长,在保留传统肚皮舞魅力的同时,积极创新并融合不同风格的现代元素,发展出独树一帜的海青style肚皮舞。她的舞蹈时而优雅,时而感性,时而妩媚,时而神秘,被誉为”亚洲最美肚皮舞皇后”。应邀到中国、马来西亚、韩国、越南、土耳其、匈牙利、法国等多个国家表演、授课和担任评委。她独特的舞蹈风格广受欢迎,并竞相被其他舞者学习和模仿。她是第一位应邀参加“So You Think You Can Dance” 中国舞林争霸综艺节目的舞蹈家,受到杨丽萍、金星的高度赞赏,成为节目中收视率最高的明星舞者。Jamila也是第一位把肚皮舞用舞台剧的形式展现在新加坡国立大学大剧院的艺术家。令观众大开眼界,反响空前。 🌟欣赏过她精彩演出的包括现任新加坡总统哈莉玛女士、前新加坡总统纳丹先生(已故)、前新加坡总统陈庆炎博士、已故新加坡建国总理李光耀先生、新加坡荣誉国务资政吴作栋先生及新加坡的各界政要、商业与基层领袖。 🌟自2009年以来,Jamila在新加坡积极投身慈善活动,通过表演、义演、捐款等各类活动共筹得超过SGD$480,000 的慈善基金。她认为舞蹈是修身,慈善是修心,两者相结合,可以让这个世界更加美好。 ☎️91263420 📧info@bellydanceextraordinaire.com #bellydancing #bellydanceextraordinaire #orientaldance #singapore #sgdancer #dancing #danceclass #danceschool #onlineclass #肚皮舞 #东方舞 #新加坡非凡舞蹈学院 #soyouthinnkyoucandance #舞林争霸


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