Duration 4:49


Published 22 Apr 2020

Earth Day is celebrated around the world every year on April 22nd, to support protection of the environment. This year, quite understandably, the theme is ‘Climate Action’. Amidst the global Coronavirus crisis, the effect of human interference with the natural environment seems to grab all eyes. It’s surely a time to reflect upon the choices we make every day vis-à-vis the detrimental footprints we leave behind. And this time too, Nand Vidya Niketan students seemed to rise up to the occasion. When the entire world is trembling with fear and apprehension, as to what lies next, the talented prodigies took to their paint brushes and easels, pens and papers to create visual stories and slogans. The splashes of colours and words have encouraged us to forge renewed harmony between humans and Nature. They have presented the stark contrast between the greying world of the pre-lockdown days and the colourful emergence of flora and fauna during the lockdown. The posters, paintings, poems reflect on the communion between our inner self and outer life. The young students show us a better and more sustainable way of life that could bring us closer to each other and in turn, closer to Nature.They also bring in rays of hope that together we can fight and overcome all the obstacles that pose threats to our life.


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